I’ll be honest. Having passed the 30 mark, got married and had kids, I sort of assumed I’d be automatically enrolled into the Grown-Up Club. And that grown-up type things (think neatly-folded piles of ironing and an alphabetically-organised DVD collection) would just sort of, well, happen. Unfortunately that didn’t turn out to be the case. […]
Archives for December 2015
Review: Santa’s Grotto At Frosts Willington
We’d not done the whole Santa’s Grotto thing with the kids before this weekend. Not properly, anyway – the closest we’d been was a makeshift Santa at playgroup who looked a lot like my friend’s dad wearing a beard made out of cotton wool. At the grand old ages of 3 and 1, the kids […]
Review: PacaPod Jasper Leather Baby Changing Bag
It’s not every day your handbag is out-classed by your baby changing bag. But that’s exactly what’s happened in my house since PacaPod’s Jasper bag arrived a few weeks ago. Suddenly – in the face of this shiny new luxury leather thing – my scuffed old handbag looks like it’s in dire need of a […]
Family: 13 Things That Will Happen When You Return To Work After Maternity Leave
{Pssst – fancy voting for a newbie in the MADs and BiBs? I’d love you forever! Badges on the right 🙂 >} Going back to work after being on maternity leave for a while? Here are 13 things you can pretty much count on… 1. One or more of your children will get ill. Really […]
Family: 6 New Baby Gifts It’s Probably Time To Stop Buying
When I had my first baby I realised pretty quickly that every new baby gift I’d ever bought for friends was useless. Save yourself the time and money – don’t buy any of these. Ever. 1. Proper outfits. I’m talking real clothes in teeny weeny sizes like ‘new baby’ or 0-3 months. Just don’t even. […]